Donate to the
Santa Ana Police Officers Association
Widows and Orphans Fund

Charitable Organization defined in section 501(c)(3)
of the United States Internal Revenue Code
Tax I.D. 33-0840920.

Widows and Orphans Fund

This Organization Provides Support and Relief for officers and their families of those killed or injured on duty and to support our community’s youth and non-profit organizations in the city of Santa Ana.

Criteria Used for Providing a Grant of Support:

Grants are made upon a determination of financial need as a result of an incident that results in the grave physical injury or death of a public safety employee from a job incurred injury. Examples of such need include, but are not limited to, hospital expenses, family Irving expenses, funeral expenses, and other medical or rehabilitation costs.

Criteria Used for Providing a Grant of Support:

All determinations regarding requests for support from this fund shall be made by the Trustees of the Santa Ana Pace Officers Association Widows and Orphans Fund operating under the by-laws of that fund.Trustees are appointed by
the President of the Santa Ana Police Officers Association subject to the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors of the Santa Ana Police Officers Association. Determinations of the Trustees are not subject to review.


Requests for support from this fund shall be discussed by the Trustees. A grant of support will be made upon a majority vote of the Trustees. The amount of any grant of support will be determined by a majority vote of the Trustees.

Application Procedure:

1. No formal application form is used.
2. A third party may suggest a situation that merits consideration by the fund.
3. Applications may be made in writing or orally.
4. Applications shall include the following information: the name of the individual and The organization
employing that individual; any family members that may be the subject of a grant of support; the financial
need of the individual or family members; the nature of the incidentgiving rise to the need.
5. Any subject matter that the applicant considers relevant.
6. Applications shall be made at the offices of the Santa Ana Police officers Association


The SAPOA Courtyard and Conference Room Memorial Wall is dedicated to the memory of the five Fallen
Santa Ana Police Officers:.

Joseph Boyd

Edwin R. Jensen

Nelson Sasscer

Dan Hale

John Alfred Aguilar

“When adversity comes to the warrior.. The Warrior steps into it and through it For adversity will always come
to the warrior until the day The Lord takes the Warrior home.”

In Memory of our Fallen Santa Ana Police Officers